

文章来源:网友投稿 时间:2022-11-13 11:35:12




 Unit 17 Great Women 说课稿

 教材分析 1 .单元背景分析:


 2 。本单元内容分析:

 本单元中心话题为“伟大的女性”,并围绕此中心展开 Warm up ,Listening ,Pre-reading ,Post-reading ,Language study ,Integrating skills ,Tips ,和 Checkpoint 等系列活动。

 Warming up: 此部分为两部分。第一部分,看图说话。针对四位著名女性谈论她们生平及在此展开心目中伟大女性的形象及产生的原因。第二部分,深层讨论针对女性在社会高层中成名或取得工作较难的问题,展开男女平等性的研讨。

 Listening : 这部分是一则对话,两个人对旧照片中朋友展开介绍要求能正确抓住人物关系及人物特征的信息词:Workbook 中是对世界妇女大会组织的介绍并探讨听力材料中人物及获奖的原因。

 Speaking : 该部分分为两部分。第一部分看图说话。呈现出日常女性三个生活场景:工作,休闲,育儿。要求能正确使用有关形容词及句型谈论人物品质。第二部分分为小游戏“Guessing the name”。一位同学想着一名著名女性,其他同学以提问方式猜出人名。Workbook部分是对新中国成立后女性受到良好的教育及较多的工作机会,但为何她们接受高层工作机会较少展开讨论。

 Pre-reading :该部分是 Reading 的前奏曲。针对去南极探险展开提问.问题涉及探险用具,极圈附近地理环境,生态及动物等。

 Reading : 该部分描述了一位 60岁 Helen Thayer 女士独立探险南极的记述,刻画了一位勇于冒险,探索自然,不怕困难,冷静处事,意志坚强的女性形象。该文从 Helen 的日记中改编截取而来,共 8段三个部分。第一段写开始探险,第二段到第七段说探险过程,第八段结束--由于身体缘故不得不放弃的心理描写。

 Post-reading: 该部分分为两部分。第一部分对于课文的理解。第二部分要求描述 Helen 的品质及由此展开对女性品质的称赞。

 Language Study:分为两个部分。第一部分词汇,采用选词填空的方式。第二部分语法是涉及主谓一致的情况。采用先提供语法知识,后用选词填空的方式和改写句子来巩固.Workbook 词汇部分要求用正确形式填空及课文改编短文填词及翻译练习,语法中仍做主谓一致练习及一篇关于居里夫人的短文填空。

 Integrating Skill:本文介绍了一位著名美国黑人妇女 Oprah Winfrey 的介绍。要求掌握刻画人物品质的介绍性说明文的写法,初

 步了解黑人妇女的状况及巩固书信的格式--该部分用了 fan letter 的方式来强调。





 3 。教学重点及难点 重点:1.词汇,词组及句型结构。




 5.巩固 fan-letter. 难点 :1 .形象准确描述人物。

 2 .讨论:男女平等性开放性话题。

 3 .了解男女平等,美国黑人问题及黑人妇女状况等问题。

 4 。课时计划 Period 1: warming up & listening Period 2: speaking Period 3&4: pre-reading , reading ,post-reading. Period 5: language study. Period 6: integrating skill. 5 .Teaching plan

 Period 1 Warming up & Listening Goals: 1. To know briefly some famous women 2.To know the reason why we admire them 3. To catch the key words to describe persons Step one : Warming up 1. Daily report 2. Lead-in this unit by asking questions as follows This month is March .Can you tell me the festivals of this month in the world ? Can you tell me some days about women ? In the world , do you know a woman who really inspires you ?Can you explain the reason ? Can you tell me other famous women ? Look at the pictures ,who are they ? 3. Listening Now , I’d like you listen to some information about these four persons .After listening , tell me who I just describe . She was born in Warsaw on Nov,7,1867. When she was 24 years old , she went to Paris to continue her studies in Physics and Mathematical sciences . There, she got married to Pierre .After the death of her husband , she took the place as Professor of

 Physics .She discovered polonium and radium. She received the Nobel Prize twice.—Madame Curie. She was born in West Virginia, but she spent most of her life in China. In 1920s she began to publish stories and essays in magazines .Her first novel ,East Wind ,West Wind was publish in 1930. The Good Earth , her 2nd novel won her the Pulitzer Prize . She won the Nobel Prize in literature .She published over 70 books in her life time .---Pearl S. Buck She was born on August 27 ,1910. When she was12,she determined to help the poor and India was her destination . At 18, she went to India and took her initial vows as a nun . She devoted herself to this place . She received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979. She died in 1997—Mother Teresa .(To keep a lump burning ,we have to keep putting oil in it –Mother Teresa) She was born into a rich family . As the widow of Sun Yatsen , she became an important member of the elite of P.R.C. She was the vice-chairperson of the P.R.C. and devoted herself to the welfare activities for women and children.—Song Qinglin 4. Discussion It has been said life is difficult as it is .For women it seems twice as difficult .Is it more difficult for women to become famous or get jobs in high positions. What do you think?

 Step two : Pre-listening Now ,we have few chances to talk with the famous women face-to –face . With the help of modern machines, we know of them . Yet in our daily life ,we have more pictures of our dear friends . Now Alice and Lucy are talking about the old friends .Listen carefully. Step three : Listening (Extensive listening) 1. First time listening. Finish the blanks . At first, Alice didn’t like lily because she thought she was very ____ Sandra and Lily were like ___ and ____ Jane and Rose could ___ ____ well . Sandra ___ ___ a lot . She has her own ___together with a ____ of hers. 2. Second and third times listening. Finish the form 3. Group work: every group just chooses one role 1. Daily report 2. Brief introduction of Poles A. Show the picture of the world Can you tell me where the south pole and north pole are ? Do you know the names of the three countries that are part of the North Pole ? How about the South 道 Pole ?

 Which animals live on the North Pole ? And which on the South Pole ? Do you know other information about Antarctic ? BNational Bestseller Polar Dream about her journey. Born and educated in New Zealand, Helen Thayer walked and skied alone to the magnetic North Pole in 1988 at the age of 50. She was totally unsupported, pulling a 160-pound sled filled with supplies. Her only companion was Charlie, a black Canadian Eskimo Husky. His job was to walk at her side to protect her from polar bears. He saved her life at least once. Helen, her husband, and Charlie live in the Cascade foothills. In 1997, she traveled alone to the South Pole ,yet it failed at last because of her injuries Step three : Reading . 4.Discussion: How do you think of black women . How do you think of a successful black woman Step two : PreWinfrey can achieve success. 3. Discussion 1) What do you think is needed in order to be a successful woman? 2) From this text , how will you write a famous person ? Beginning: Briefly introduce why she is famous

 Process: Introduce her life experience ,give some examples which show her qualities. Ending :What can we learn from this person ? 3. Oral practice .: Introduce Yang Lan 杨澜,1968 年生于北京。1986 年至 1990 年就读于北京外国语大学。

  1990 年,杨澜成为中国中央电视台《正大综艺》女主持人 1990 年至 1994 年初,主持《正大综艺》节目,创造了收视之冠的佳绩。

 1994 年获得中国首届主持人“金话筒奖”。

 1996 年初,杨澜被美国媒体广泛报道。


 1996 年,杨澜还被选入英国《大英百科全书世界名人录》。同年,她与上海东方电视台联合制作的《杨澜视线》节目成功发行全国 52个省市电视台,收视率在各地文艺节目中均获得不俗成绩。

 1997 年 4 月,她应联合国副秘书长之邀,作为东亚唯一代表,出席了联合国世界媒体圆桌会议,11 月又应邀出席联合国“97 世界电视论坛”。

 1997 年 1 月,杨澜散文集《凭海临风》出版,销量超过 50 万册。

 1997 年 7 月,加盟凤凰卫视中文台,并于 1998 年 1 月推出访谈节目《杨澜工作室》,自己既是制片也担任主持人,采访了多名著名时事人物,节目大受评论欢迎和赞赏。

 1998 年 4 月,开播的《百年吒

 咤风云录》,杨澜担任主持,引领观众走入过去时光, 重温 100 年来影响历史进程人和事。

 杨澜说:“电视是我一生的追求,不在乎这一、二年的辉煌,我认为我将来的事业还有 20 年”。杨澜已从单纯的主持人走向一名具有真正国际性的电视制片人。

 1999 年 10 月离开凤凰卫视中文台。担任阳光文化影视公司董事局主席。

 Step Four : Writing Famous people get many fan letter . They enjoy it and often send their fans an answer . Write a short letter to a famous person you admire . If you want to ask an autography or ask a question , you should make sure to know quite lot about him or her before you start writing .Read the sample and go on to read tips on writing and try to find out how to write a fan letter . Write a letter to Yang Lan

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